As time goes by, new legislation is put in place to make rental safer and easier for both tenants and landlords, protecting everyone involved with a property, and 2020 has some new rules for us to take note of.
Looking to Let Your Property in Coventry?
So are you looking to let out your property with Complete Residential Lettings? There is just one extra thing you will need to get done first, especially if you are looking to list your property with us once June 2020 commences…
So what is this extra item you will need to get your property showing within our rental listings as soon as possible?
The answer is, an Electrical Safety Check.
“As of the 1st June 2020, every property that goes up for rental will need a valid Electrical Safety Report that can be supplied to Letting Agents before the listing goes up, ready to be supplied to the relevant tenants when they move in.”
For now, this legislation will only apply to new listings, however, all rental properties housing tenants will also need these checks completed and documented by June 2021. These checks are required for every kind of rental property and failure to produce a valid report can lead to hefty fines of up to £30,000.
What should I do?
So what do you need to do? Call an engineer! This legislation means that before advertising your rental property, you must have a professional engineer come and do a full electrical check. A copy of the report produced from the completed check must be available to be supplied, much like current legislation for gas appliances. However this does not last forever, once your property has been checked, you will need to follow this up with subsequent Electrical Safety checks every five years to stay compliant.
This report shows and ensures that all electrical circuits and appliances have been checked and deemed to be in working order at the time the check took place. Having this report certifies that all electrical items in a property are safe to use, getting this check repeated each 5 years is crucial in ensuring this stays true.
Listing Your Rental Property
Once you have this document in place it’s business as usual, we can list your rental property and work on finding you the most ideal tenant available. If you want to get in contact with us to arrange us taking over your rental, or need any more advice about this new legislation please just get in touch by using our contact form or giving us a call on 024 7667 9333.